Benefits of Holding

Each NFT will receive the base 44% APR and the associated percentage of the flex rewards that will be claimed daily within the Project wallet. The associated PowerPool rewards will also be distributed monthly to the eligible project wallets.

Each NFT will also receive their percentage of the project profit after the agreed distribution of funds.

NFT holders will be able to track the investment funds through the blockchain so they can see every single transaction. The team are currently in conversation with ‘Truth Seekers’ to potentially employ mechanisms to give investors peace of mind that all funds and multi-sig wallets are monitored.

NFT holders will be provided access to copies of the real-world contracts for the development and complete project transparency. This is in stark contrast to real world property investment when the majority of the time you cannot see anything once your money has been invested.

A NFT Holders Discord will be available where frequent updates and feedback from the development will be given so ALL holders that verify their wallet.

Prior to a project purchase, the team will hold a meeting with holders to discuss the project in depth, so all holders have a clear understanding of what is about to be purchased and what the expected timeframes and what the expected outcome is at the end.

There is potential to eventually increase community involvement in the projects.

As the project scales, we anticipate that each NFT will increase in value and holders will have the ability to trade or sell these NFTs for future profit.

Last updated